WordPress User Activity Email

wordpress user activity email

If you happen to be a WordPress admin you’d like to get up to date information about user activity on your website. There are a few options. You can use a plugin such as Activity Log, or plenty others available at the plugin repository. However, if you use the Activity Log plugin, for instance, you have to log in and scroll through the log to find out what has happened. The other option is to get a WordPress user activity email at your convenience. I wanted a daily email sent to my admin email address, listing the activity since the […]

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Thoughts on Photography

What is missing in discussions about photography is the pursuit of a new way of thinking. We should focus on the aesthetic aspects of the medium. There is a new form of existence taking shape in our culture and society. The change from text based communication to a more image based culture, the linearity of two dimensional magic, within the change of a society from industrial to post industrial, from work to “play”, all this should be inside the frame of reference when we talk about photography. I don’t really see a limit. At least not as a media of […]

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Synology NAS & SVN

With DSM version 7 Synology decided to remove the SVN Server package from their distribution. Many developers, including myself, were caught by surprise. After upgrading to DSM V7.x, SVN just didn’t work anymore. It was gone! I have to admit that I didn’t pay attention to the release notes and I found out the hard way because my TurtoiseSVN client couldn’t connect to the repository anymore. After evaluating my options I had to make a decision between downgrading my Synology NAS or running SVN inside of a Docker container. I didn’t want to downgrade so I decided for the Docker […]

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N360 | Splash Screen

I recently finished development of a WordPress plugin and published it at WordPress.org. It’s a landing page or splash screen for any wordpress blog or website called N360 | Splash Screen After a detailed code review by the WordPress team and a few revisions on my end, it was approved and it’s now available at the WordPress plugin repository. If you want to take a peek and see how it works, here is a link to my demo page. If you’re running a WordPress website and you are brave enough to give the initial release a try you can install […]

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Welcome to notion 360!

I created this blog as a home for my design activities and a place where I can post my ramblings outside of the Facebook echo chamber. Not sure where this is going but right now I’m enjoying it! And off we go … A quote from Robert M. Pirsig’s book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” came to mind when I started working on this page: This divorce of art from technology is completely unnatural. It’s just that it’s gone on so long you have to be an archaeologist to find out where the two separated. Rotisserie assembly is […]

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notion360 - a place where thoughts about art, design and engineering can prosper and unique solutions are pondered upon.
